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EBA Wheelchair Ramp Ministry

          The EBA Wheelchair Ramp Ministry is incredibly valuable to many of our neighbors. Your  donations to the Paul Langston Wheelchair Ramp Fund will make it possible for those among us who are confined to a wheel chair or walker to be more mobile, go to doctor visits or just be able to go out into their yard and take in a little sunshine. We continually need volunteers as well for the construction of the ramps.  You may want to bring a team of people with you or we can put you with a team to build a ramp. This is usually just a one day event for a volunteer but what a difference your efforts will make to the recipient. In most cases it will serve as a lifechanging improvement everyday for the  rest of their lives. 

          This ministry is one that needs volunteers every week because the need for ramps is so tremendous.  This ministry builds over 100 wheelchair ramps in Duplin and Sampson Counties every year.

          No experience is required, only a willing heart and helping hand.

Please  contact   Jimmy Brown of Dobson Chapel  Church @ (910) 290-1970

and let him know that you are interested in helping.


 The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18

Mr. Jimmy Brown and Mitchell Henderson are busy leading teams in Duplin & Sampson Counties building wheelchair ramps-


Make plans to come out and help-they build several ramps a week and Wow is it making a difference to our neighbors at home!


If you want to help  others right here at
home-there is not
a better way to do it!



Great Job and a Great Way to share the love of Jesus!

Eastern Baptist Association
1333 W. Charity Road
Rose Hill, North Carolina 28458
(910) 293-7077
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